Braco Pobric 0:00
Welcome to Business and happiness podcast. I'm your host Braco Pobric . This episode is sponsored by life Success Academy, a place where you recreate your business and personal happiness. My guest today is Carolyn King, business owner, positive psychology master coach and Kinesiologist. Hello, Carolyn. How are you, my friend?
Carolyn King 0:26
I am wonderful. How are you today Bratzo?
Braco Pobric 0:29
I am doing great. I wanted to talk to you about something that I know you are very, very, very familiar with. And that's something that I know absolutely nothing about. And that is kinesiology. So seriously, I know that you are Kinesiologist. I know that has a lot to do with this connection between core genes. So what is kinesiology, but a lot of us would love to
Carolyn King 1:00
well, kinesiology in its rawest form is about movement. But what I do is called energetic Kinesiology. And we're looking at the energy in the body. So essentially, what happened was, some very smart minds came together a chiropractor, and he came together and he realized that there was a connection between our bones, our organs, and our muscles, along with Chinese medicine and the meridians in Chinese medicine. So we have this whole big group of things working together. And with an energetic kinesiology or if you look in the US, they may call it Touch for Health. So I know there's training in touch in the US because I know that's where this all started. But what we do is in person, you would come to see me we would have a chat, you would lie on the table, and I would use our muscles to communicate with your subconscious with your brain.
So it's really cool for like I said, in its worst one Kinesiology is movement, so physios would put pressure on a muscle to determine its strength. In energetic kinesiology, we're actually looking at the integrity of the way the brain is communicating with the muscle. So when there's a stress in the body, the muscle will unlock. It's like a short circuit, I taught, I talk about it in terms of the computer, your brains like a computer, and your arm is the output. And when there's a short circuit, the arm unlocks, and it tells us alright, there's a stress here. And we can then dive into whatever that stress is.
But we're looking at everything so we can work with all the muscles in the body. And we can literally muscle test all the muscles in the body as well. So we go from contraction to expansion, it's a it's a way of getting into the muscles because every muscle is communicating with your brain. So if you have a sore thigh muscle, for instance, if your quad quadricep muscles are sore, and they've been sore for many, many years, or many, many months, there's quite often a stress with the way the brain is communicating with that muscle.
So as an example, I've got I had a story where I, I saw a 17 year old who was going to the US to play basketball. And he had saw a doctor muscle so the other muscles inside your inner thigh. And he had been to physio he been to a whole lot of different therapists and he could not he couldn't alleviate the pain, the pain was there. And he came to see me. We did a session one session and he walked away and he said, I don't know what she did, but my muscles are better and I didn't touch his muscles. And the reason is, so when we're working with the body, we're looking at the emotions. So I looked at what is the emotion that his muscle was holding, you know, we've got muscle memory, we all know about muscle memory when you go to the gym.
Braco Pobric 3:45
Carolyn King 3:46
The bicep curls. Well, we also understand that our muscles hold memory of emotion. So something happened when you hurt yourself or injured yourself. A muscle is holding the memory of that emotion once you identify that motion, and sometimes we just have to identify the emotion that see sometimes we have a little chat about it. We rub a few pressure points usually those pressure points are along the lines of the meridians, which is the Chinese medicine alleviates the pain the pain literally goes away so I don't jumping all over the place but it's because kinesiology has so many facets to it, that we go we can work with anything so we can work with muscle pain. Excuse me, we can work with the organs. I'm gonna have some water I'm really sorry.
Braco Pobric 4:32
You know, I'll use this opportunity to do the same.
Carolyn King 4:38
You know, you swallow their own right. I had a client once who had really bad gallbladder pain. And she came in and she She said her pain was 10 out of 10 so we rub some pressure points again we were on Rob to the meridian points for gallbladder she walked out the door with zero pain But the next day she had a gallbladder removed. So as much as we can reduce pain, we couldn't really we couldn't alleviate the damage already done to the gallbladder. So this is how powerful Kinesiology is we can help eliminate pain, but sometimes the damage is done.
Braco Pobric 5:19
Right. So do you think if she came like from like, I don't know, while back when it was in the beginning that you would be able to help? And it was
Carolyn King 5:28
possible? Yeah, absolutely, possibly. When we're looking at the organs, again, we're looking at the emotions, but we're also looking at diet so we can muscle test, what works for you, and what works for somebody else in terms of what you ate. So I had I had a baby and we do something in kinesiology called segregating where someone can muscle test on behalf of somebody else. Now this I know this sounds a little bit woowoo. But you know, science, quantum physics tells us we're all connected. You know, we're all connected through science. So I had a mother come to me, she said her one year old wasn't sleeping. She was I don't know what to do. He's not sleeping at night. So she, I muscle tested her, she used her body to communicate with the baby's body because I can't muscle test a baby, we determined that he could not eat potatoes at night. Once she talked to potatoes,
Braco Pobric 6:21
How did you determine that?
Carolyn King 6:23
But we have, we have what's called a directory. So we muscle test through lists of things, or I do what's called PKP, which is a professional kinesiology practitioner. So we have like an address book on our fingers. So we can we muscle test where we're going. And you know, we have a little finger which is electrical, so all the energetic parts of the body. If I if I if that tests up, I know it's something to do with meridians, or if we're going to the spiritual, the chakras and the orders. The second finger is all about emotion. So for tests up there, I know there's something emotional going on. If I test up on this middle finger, that's personal ecology, that is Diet, Food, adrenals, all that sort of stuff. So we tested up there, so I knew it was something to do with food, and then I can test up what it is. And we knew we needed to delete a food. So it's like an address book. That's the way
Braco Pobric 7:13
When you send your test up, is it something you feel on your finger? Like how do you know?
Carolyn King 7:18
Our muscle testing? So I muscle testing someone with one arm while I'm doing? I'm saying electrical, emotional, personal collagen, this one's structure. So anything to do with the physical body muscles, you know, organs? So I'm muscle testing. So the minute the muscle goes weak, I know that
Braco Pobric 7:34
Carolyn King 7:36
Yeah, so it sounds quite woowoo. But then, in terms of muscle testing in its rawest form, there have been people that someone called David Hawkins, he's written a wonderful book, he's passed away he, he's written a number of books, actually, that his first book was power versus force. And he talks about the validity of muscle testing and how it's one of the most accurate ways of getting truth. Because, you know, you can't lie,
The muscle test. So for instance, if you were to say to you, we were going to use your whole body as a muscle test right now. And you were to stand up. I mean, I know we're sitting so depends on how how in tune you are with your body. But you could say my name is Carolyn, and if I went forward, but my body would tell me yes, my name is Carolyn. So if you, but if I said my name is Bratzo saw my body to go, No, it's not. And I wouldn't move backwards. So it's like using your whole body as a muscle. So if you were to try it now Bratzo, but not telling you what to say, sit there and say my name is Carolyn. And just notice what happens to your body.
Braco Pobric 8:45
My name is Carol.
Carolyn King 8:48
Does anything happen to you go forward or back? Does anything happen?
Braco Pobric 8:52
but you know what, I pushed my back like, nicely to the Chair. I just can't so I can't like that. But But seriously, like, so. Okay, so going back to chiropractors, I can tell you that I had that experience. And I have a lot of friends and colleagues who absolutely don't believe that that I knew nothing. You know, when I came to USA, didn't know the term it's a chiropractor. We we never I'm sure we have that now back in Bosnia and former Yugoslavia. But back then, when I was growing up, that didn't really exist. And, and I did not believe in it. And I didn't go and then at one point, we actually met a friend who had a friend and says, and I started, I actually convinced myself seriously, this is like, I convinced myself that this is working. I have no clue what it is. I go you know what, this is going to help me and I think this is and even my chiropractor said that that helped me that I was able to tell myself that this will work and I mean she was tremendous help.
You know, it took like a couple I know how many sessions but you know back I had it so About you, it was all from stress and back pain. I couldn't move. I had nothing I never lifted entity heavy had nothing to do with physical damage, but it was all caused by stress. So, so when I'm thinking with kinesiology, like you said, it sounds like woowoo. I mean, if I don't know you so well, if I don't know what else you can do, if I don't know, your amazing coaching capabilities, you may be able to really think is this real? Right? I mean, I'm very much open minded. And I know it is. And I have a lot of friends who I can still just but again, I don't know about it. So so some listeners might be like, oh, you know, is this really true? But of course it is. And you know, if you don't believe it, don't try it. That's what,
Carolyn King 10:45
but when you experience it in your body, that's the fun thing. When I do get someone in the clinic, and they lie on the table, and I show them how it works. Their expression is wow. And this is what I love about it because some men are very adverse. They don't want to talk about their emotions. They come on the table, I feel it in their muscles, and they go okay,
okay, you're, you're doing it harder. You're doing a softer you're doing like I'm not and like and then eventually they feel it because I always show them how it works. So I think with chiropractors do do applied Kinesiology. So there are some chiropractors it definitely interesting. Absolutely. And they will muscle test emotions up.
Braco Pobric 11:30
I mean, I don't remember this was like, you know, 25 years ago, but I do remember it she maybe she did again. I don't know. But I do remember she was saying, you know, there's really nothing wrong with your back. But this is all from stress. Do you have stressful job. So we talked about that. I remember what happened when you come to us keep your bills, you know, she was very, also, you know, friend of friends, we are friends. So I'm glad to hear that this actually has has a connection. I also am thinking I know you do a lot of you help people, you become happier, as I would call right. So so you teach happiness and you help a lot of people in that field. How is it Kinesiology?
Carolyn King 12:18
What's great about Kinesiology is I have learned protocols that help to calm down the stress response. So quite often we go into that fight flight response, we've got the vagus nerve, you know, the polyvagal theory. I don't know if many people know about that. But there's there's a theory by Dr. Steven Porges, who he talks about the polyvagal theory about fight flight freeze response. It's essentially how our brain operates. I've been blessed to have learned numerous techniques that helped to calm that part of the body down. Now the beauty about this is I can do these online, I don't need to muscle test, I know how to do these particular movements.
And they have they helped to calm the fight flight response down. Because if we're in any kind of stress, if our brain is in that state of is dangerous somewhere, where is it, we can't be happy. So the first thing we need to do is calm down that fight flight response, I would say 95% of my clients. That's one of the biggest things I do now with the knowledge I have from you. But also I bring in mindfulness, I bring in positive psychology. And quite often the mindfulness gets put into that that part where I calm the vagal system down, or bring it back into balance, then what we do is we can muscle test to see what the body wants to do.
Because we've talked in other episodes about how we give a lot to other people, and we don't do enough me time. We can muscle test to see what is stressing out a person in their life. So it could be a relationship, it could be a chore they do it could be an activity they do. We can muscle test what stresses them out, then we can discuss how we can reduce or eliminate that. And then we can go back to muscle testing. Well, we can problem solve. And this is where I bring the coaching in is what would you like to do with your life? Whatmakes you happy.
But we have to release the stress before we can get to that point of being able to have that higher functioning in the brain. Does that make sense?
Braco Pobric 14:15
No, absolutely. This is such a fascinating I love this discussion. You are today. Really today I had in one of my group coaching sessions. I had the lady who was still his massage therapist. And she's been doing this for last 10 years. And I guess it's similar like you she said, I realized that I'm actually coaching people while I'm doing therapy. So why don't I then also get a coaching practice. She also took the psychology master course program, but but it's really sorry latency fascinating how this works. I really love to learn about this. Can you I assume you cannot do it remotely can you
Carolyn King 14:58
No, I know I can Yeah, which is wonderful. So we in terms of remotely, what we've learned is, again, we're going back to quantum physics, we're all connected. So I can muscle test on your behalf, which sounds quite, that makes. And the one thing I want to get clear with kinesiology, it can be quite woowoo. And it can go quite spiritual. But it can also be very structural. It doesn't have to be. So when I'm working with my clients, I work within the paradigm that they're living in. So I've worked with Christians, I've worked with Muslims, I've worked with Hindu, I don't know if I know that they're not into chakras, and auras. That's fine, I won't go there.
Like that's absolute, I can work pure. It doesn't make it less effective. I work within the paradigm of the clinic, they're not spiritual at all. They're not religious, that's fine, too. I can work just on the muscles. In terms of working remotely, I can muscle test on the client's behalf like remember, I spoke about surrogating when someone else says, Yes, I can do it on their behalf. And then I get them to rub the pressure points, or I we have so kinesiology has, I think always has a coaching basis in it because when we learn to we were learning a little bit about NLP and we're learning a bit about living. Yeah, yeah. So we do a bit of iron movement work we do tapping. Kinesiology is like a modality that's brought everything together. And we muscle test to see what the optimum result is so online. Last year, I realized that I could even help people with muscle pain, which was, it even blew my mind away, I had people messaging me and we'd be online and they had a sore shoulder, I would muscle test because when we clearing muscle issues in the body, we're rubbing pressure points on the body, which the client can do online. We're talking about emotions, again. We can talk about that online. So really, I can do most of it online as well.
Braco Pobric 16:54
But I didn't do this. Wow.
Carolyn King 16:59
We had to we had to adapt, you know, with with lockdowns, depending on when you're listening to this podcast. During our lockdown through the COVID period, we had to we went out of state people in, in our clinic in person. So we had to adapt and a lot of Kinesiology just were able to adapt online and get some phenomenal results.
And I've had that myself, I've had clients.
Braco Pobric 17:22
wow, I didn't know
Carolyn King 17:23
I could get this result online.
Braco Pobric 17:25
Once you open when people are open to that, when most people open to or assume existing clients probably are not
Carolyn King 17:34
even just this week, I had. Yeah, this week, I had two new clients. And another one yes, I've had three new clients are all willing to do online this week. You know, I have in terms of existing clients or clients around Australia, so they clearly can't come and see me they're happy to do it online. I have a client or a few clients that live within my area that when we are able to see clients in person, they still choose to do online sessions because it suits them, and it serves them you know that they're happy to do it online. And then they can just go about their business. I don't have to drive here, even though they're only maybe 10 or 15 minutes away. So there are some clients that actually prefer online and speaking to some of my clients. Some people don't want to be touched. Mm hmm.
Braco Pobric 18:21
Yeah. Yeah, I would think so. Right? Right.
Carolyn King 18:25
Now online is even better because they're in their safe space. So I guess with me and most kinesiology, I have also learned something else. So they're able to adapt with other things. And for me, I bring in the coaching so the positive psychology coaching and I've learned from you and life coaching,
Braco Pobric 18:40
let's talk about deck. I'm curious how kinesiology can and does connect with the coaching and how you transformed not only just for resale and kinesiology but I kind of make that integration, if you will, which I think it's really cool to do these two things. And then you can do more just a coaching by itself.
Carolyn King 19:05
I think the core idea of coaching and kinesiology is that the client always has the answers.
Braco Pobric 19:13
Yes, so yes, exactly what
Carolyn King 19:16
to say so using coaching as it is in kinesiology, so we know what to do, I guess. So what I do is I might muscle test for them to help identify where a stress is if they're stuck, but when they are talking so when they chatting through whatever it is they're working through. As we know we allow the client to talk, I will ask them to a pressure point to release the energy in the body to help them get access to that. So this energy in the body we're going back to Chinese medicine, which has been around 1000s of years.
You know the meridian system has been around Chinese medicine has been validated through science, and I know more and more is getting more and more medical doctors to two acupuncturists in Chinese medicine, so we use the same energy in the body. But just by rubbing a point you can stimulate and release the energy. So while they talking about something, I will grab all muscle test and all sometimes I just intuitively know now I've been doing it for so long, I'm just in tune. And I may know what the client needs, I'll get them to rubber pressure point while they, they're talking. So while I'm coaching them, I just read this point while you're doing it, you know, there's a point here on the hand, which is all about the heart. So I just just had this point while you're talking. So just in there, it's a neuro emotional point for the heart, and more on the side. So just Andy said, Follow your little finger down. And just little finger on the side of the hand. Little Finger Yeah.
For some people, they don't want to see I just didn't really
rational point for heart. Deciding the pet of the thumb, we have a neuro emotional point for the lungs. So people don't breathe properly, do they? So when you're doing a mindfulness activity, great point to rub to release the energy in the lungs.
Braco Pobric 21:03
I love how this is all connected. This is really amazing. So so so when you do just pure coching, say somebody sign up for your coaching package. Right? You still use some of the Kinesiology right? Yeah. And then I assume your finger when you can and can't feel comfortable? No, I can.
Carolyn King 21:24
In all honesty, I say when you come to see me you get everything. Yeah, I love it. Because I can't you find our tools going to work from something else. I can't not use it. But I would ask the client for their permission. But quite often I make it clear up front that when you come to see me you get every all my tools in my toolbox. So because I've done different I've done another coaching modality called embraining or MBT which is multiple brain integration techniques. And it's a coaching modality just connected with your head, your heart and your gut brains. And I bring that in a lot as well. So if a client needs something, I will bring that in because I feel that that's why they've been drawn to me and I think that's just like with coaching if someone's drawn to you they're drawn to your skill set and your life experiences and who you are as a person so you know when they come to see me I say you get everything I'm not going to say oh no you're only get the Kinesiology I'm not giving you the speed no you get whatever you know whatever you need at the time obviously with their permission
Braco Pobric 22:27
Oh is so so even if they come for kinesiology only say for your your knowledge and skills and that you will certainly you know when when we apply some of the coaching tools because we talk to them. Right.
Carolyn King 22:41
Coaching I think a part of Kinesiology anyway, I think for me learning coaching made me a better kinesiology just
Braco Pobric 22:48
Yes, I'm sure that. Yeah, I love this. I love this. This is great discussion, I got to try this. This is this is really amazing. Thank you. Thank you so much. I really, really appreciate it's awesome.
Carolyn King 23:02
My pleasure. I think I answered all your questions, didn't I? Was there anything else?
Braco Pobric 23:06
No, I think you answered I mean, I really wanted to know just for myself, you know, what is kinesiology? You know, I have a couple other friends in Australia specifically, not in us that, that practicing kinesiology but I didn't really know what it is. I wanted to understand, you know, that connection between kinesiology and happiness because I know you connected so well. And I want to do it for for myself and for our audience to understand that and also to see how you integrate in your coaching and now it's very clear that you know, this is all connected and that you with all the tools that you have, you really provide so much value to your clients and I just love that so that we do
Carolyn King 23:53
what I want to say for those in the US if you're looking for a Kinesiology that may be called energetic kinesiology or may be called Touch for Health. So Touch for Health is it's all sort of similar and brain gym is another branch of kinesiology and I know because Touch for Health and brain gym come out of the US. Ranging was created by a wonderful man called Paul Davis and he and his wife Gail Dennison. They're located in the US as well as Touch for Health which is actually say so if you look up those those words I'm sure you'll be able to find someone in the US that can do that for you.
Braco Pobric 24:29
Why would I find somebody new estimate I have you in Australia you can do remote pilot
Carolyn King 24:32
That's true too. We can we can definitely do it online, which is
Braco Pobric 24:38
lovely. Thank you so so much. Really appreciate this. It's so much fun talking so much. It's my friend.
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