Braco Pobric 0:00
Welcome to Business and happiness podcast. I'm your host Braco Pobric. This episode is sponsored by life Success Academy, a place where you recreate your business and personal happiness. My guest today is Kareem Sheta , corporate trainer, and positive psychology master coach.
So you got your life court certification. And now what? So today, I'll be discussing that with my friend, with my former students. And now, person who does a lot of work in this field with Mr. Kareem Sheta. Karim, how are you, buddy?
Kareem Sheta 0:40
I'm fine, Braco. Thank you so much for having me. And I'm really excited to be here.
Braco Pobric 0:46
Of course, of course, my pleasure. I'm excited to have you here. Because I know you've been doing so much great work, after you completed the life success academy positive psychology master coach, and I really wanted to ask just to talk and to help other people because I know this was like, This is big question from a lot of people, you know, I got my certification. Now wha. You know, what am I going to do with this? And, you know, unless people have a, really a lot of understanding of your business, and your ideas, and so on, it's really hard to start. And it's also not easy to connect with someone you know, who's only doing so great. So you're doing great, but I like to say you are starting, you're doing amazingly as are you starting? And I people can really connect and easily with you. So so let's let's talk What what are you doing now, with the knowledge that you took from the positive pyschology master coach and from all other programs? Again, this is all you know, all together with your life skills?
Kareem Sheta 1:52
Of course, of course, that's a great question. And I think partially why everything has been going on somewhat successfully is because I got a lot of motivation and following first from you and my friends and family. So to answer your question, just my piece of advice before anyone starts his journey, after graduating from your course, you have to ask yourself, Okay, how can this help benefit the people, as well as myself? Because it's a two way street at the end of the day. So for me, I'm a corporate trainer. So I thought, Okay, let me make use that as my strength. So I thought, Okay, I want to train people on the topic of positive psychology, especially because here in the Middle East, or particularly in Egypt, positive psychology is not widespread at all. And there are actually a lot of obstacles in order to convince people that positive psychology is effective. So what I did, or what I found was very simple. I thought, Okay, I'm going to launch social media pages, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. And then for a period of around three months, so people don't get bored. I'll cover everything that I learned in Braco's course or not everything, but at least the bulk of it, or the majority. And so my first question was, okay, what type of content will I provide? And so I thought, Okay, I'll use three things. And they will complement each other, which were educational posts, some things that just summarize the content, videos, and interviews.
So these were my three main elements. And then the next step was, okay, who's my target audience? So I kept thinking, okay, am I targeting the Arab world or the Western world? What am I doing? So as I've learned from your course, it's consists of small wins. So I thought, okay, my first one will be to target Egyptians. And then my second small win will be to target maybe the Middle East and then globally. So what I did was is that all my videos and all my posts are translated into two languages, Arabic and English. So basically targets by language Arabs in general. And so I've completed so far, two months, I've done over, I think, 10 videos, and I've conducted five or six interviews, of course, definitely the best one was with you.
And, and yeah, and a lot of like, I don't know, like, over 30 posts, so thankfully, everything has been going on smoothly. But for anyone who wants to take this step, just don't do it for the traction or for the amount of following No, I even if I get like one or two likes, I'm really happy to like, Okay, I impacted one person, I'm not exaggerating. That's how I really feel about it. And after my third month, which should be the end of this August 2021. I'll start my second phase, which is the training sessions and we can talk a bit about more dedicated, so yeah.
Braco Pobric 4:58
Then we'll talk about second phase as well, you know, I really, I really like how you organized, what you're doing. And I knew that because seriously, you know, after watching your final presentations on each of the module, they were really so well organized. And as a corporate trainer, you really learn how to do this. It's really, really great. And I also I really, really like how you said that you really care how many likes you and I had the discussion the other day about this podcast that we just started, right.
And I said, I don't really care, you know, if I get one star, so if we get five stars, if we get nobody watching, we need to start creating this and in helping the world. And it's always about how can I serve? At this is the only way that we are going to succeed? If we just focus on money, right? Yes, we need to make money. Of course, of course, that's that's one must. But once we, you know, take everything from the point, how can I serve? What can I do today to help other people, that's what you're doing? That's what you're doing. So that's, that's really great. So you said, so I know you started a social media page, which is really, really beautiful. And I like how you, you have your logo and second word everywhere, you creating that media package, and it's really, really well done.
And I know you're doing all of this by yourself. Some people may need help, but that's okay. So then you're doing educational posts, which is really the right thing to do. And you're doing the interviews, which is videos, and I've, well, I've seen some I've seen videos, interviews, and I also have seen some of your videos, which are very education were great. In none of them did I see Kareem said, you know, by this, so he's really pushing this content to teach other people, everything I just mentioned, because you said Egypt first, as you know, and actually even in your cohort and another cohort, they're actually number of people from Egypt, who take this post psychology master class. And we're also proud of that you have, like three of you folks from different cohorts are now starting and creating a business. I mean, this is what his program is all about. That's what life is all about, right? about relationships, about doing things together. So I want to congratulate you.
Kareem Sheta 7:22
Thank you so much. Thank you. And I just have to add, like the interviews wouldn't have happened without your your program, because every single person that I've interviewed, except maybe one was in your your master coach class, so if I had enjoyed it, he would have no one to interview. So this impacted me on this level, and so many other levels that will obviously mentioned throughout the podcast. So thank you very much.
Braco Pobric 7:45
No, thank thank you so much. I think look, you know, if it wasn't for me, you know, you would find the people but but I think what we created there was really that camaraderie, we created a environment where people are there to support each other. And I'm really sorry that and I'm so happy that you are using that opportunity, if you will, very few people, right? Not everybody does it just like in the world, not all of us take opportunity, what happens, but you are. So that I think that's that's really, that's really amazing.
So you're thinking that Okay, so the second phase, so you created this is, you know, you're pushing your game content, doing education, you educating folks in Egypt, I like how you have this target audience, you started from Egypt, then you're gonna move to Middle East, then you're gonna move to globally, I love it. This is really beautiful, really is really is beautiful, because because, you know, we think that our content is great for everybody. Maybe it is, maybe it is, but but, you know, when we start smaller, that's really how we create, how we create a good material, good content, and also, you know, provide even more value to to our followers, so, so well done.
Kareem Sheta 9:04
Thank you so much Braco. Thank you so much. And hopefully, like by the time I reached an international level, I don't know hopefully, hopefully, I'll reach an international level. That's my long term goal. So yeah, like fingers crossed.
Braco Pobric 9:21
You know, if I'm coaching you take the hopefully out and take say that again. What are you going to do?
Kareem Sheta 9:27
Oh, okay. So forget whatever I said, I'm saying that by the by at least five years, I will reach a global and international level. Thank you for reminding me. Yeah,
Braco Pobric 9:40
there we go. There we go. So that's, you know, it's just a language that creates a truly is so so important. You know, maybe I will or Yeah, I don't know, I'm hoping versus I will. Big, big difference in mindset. someone's like, taking it.
So. Okay, so So, what else do you suggest? So people, you know, take all these different classes doesn't really matter what they take, it doesn't matter if it's life success academy live program anything else, and they get this coaching certificate and and quite frankly, most people then don't know what to do. Like, okay, I'm coach now what do I do?
And that could be you see, when I said, Coach, we actually we talked about this where we going to apply the skills that we have in so many different areas. So it's coaching, it's facilitation. It's, you know, online training, it's a corporate training, all these, you know, different areas, but what would you recommend people? So we know, which is what you started with? What else you would recommend folks to do?
Kareem Sheta 10:50
So, obviously, it's a very good question. So yeah, so I think the key factor is in which branch are you trying out? So as you know, training and coaching are not the same thing? Yes, there are some similarities. But if you're going to, if like, if you're going to consider coaching, from my point of view, I'm planning to do that. But after the training session, so the first part of it would be training people, and then the second part would be coaching people. Alright, so why am I not starting with coaching, even though the course is about coaching people, because I'm still a beginner coach, I can start coaching people and I still have basic knowledge. And I'm sure a lot of people went through the course have either an intermediate amount of knowledge or basic, whatever.
So let's say that you're a beginner coach, take it step by step. So for example, for me, I recruited a friend of mine, and we used to do weekly meetings, it didn't take that much time and actually look forward to it every week. Now, I'm considering that after the training sessions happen, I'll try to recruit people from outside my family and friends. So I started uploading posts and telling them, okay, you can join and so on. Even if you start out with one client for a couple of months, and then two, and then so on. It's all just about making creating the impact one step at a time.
And that's something that I've learned in your course. So don't look at the future, like the last two weeks arising, obviously, but just enjoy the process or the journey until you reach that final goal. So just simply my advice would be take it one step at a time, start with one, then maybe after a few months, too, because think about it in reverse psychology, if you have 10 clients, and you only have the ability to experience the impact one, then what have you done? It's not about the amount it's not about the reach. It's about creating the impact.
Braco Pobric 12:48
Brow. That's That's exactly right. You know, I had a discussion the other day in one of our master mastermind programs where one individual was actually just trying to do really, really hard trying to do opposite what you're doing. Basically, she she wanted to, which is you know, great idea long term, she wanted to start a coaching session in training, and create some products and sell these products online. And this is all great if you have resources to do that. Right?
If you have a lot of money, you can hire people, you can start business with fine, please go for it. But if most people are like yourself, they still have a job, they have to pay their bills, right? So you can't just and you cannot burn yourself like this individual did. I send her on a vacation by the way. If we burn ourselves, then nothing really happens if we get burned down, you know, that's not that's not what we want. We want success. And I like how you doing this? A very structured, and I used that word earlier didn't die out know, I hear structure again, even you know what to do with the knowledge.
Kareem Sheta 14:01
Thank you so much. And I think a part of the burnout that you're talking about is because people are too focused on Oh, I'm not getting the amount of people I signed up to get oh, I didn't achieve a lot of it's not about the end result. Just Just enjoy it for yourself be selfish in that aspect. At least.
Braco Pobric 14:21
Exactly. And it's also people, you know, compare themselves with someone else, right? In I always say, the only person you can you can compare yourself is you. You can only compare yourself from three months from now, six months to three months before six months. All right. That's the only time and you can say okay, then you can look at three months later and say, Look at back, you know, how did I do? Let me compare is the only person. That's the best way to see progress. That's the best way. Right? That's really where people are struggling How do you know this guy has like, you know, 10? Clients? I don't have any. Well, everybody started with no clients with no income with no. With no social media accounts with no friends with no likes, right?
Kareem Sheta 15:12
Exactly, exactly. Like like the you are sp lright, the true progress is becoming a better version of yourself, actually, like you reminded me when you said comparing to people who started from nothing. One of my favorite people in the world, because I love writing is JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter. And just every time I feel like, oh, I have so much work to do, I just remember the fact that she was rejected by 12 publishers, and she was broken, she used to write in like a crowded coffee shop. And the funny thing is, is that when she came to write the seventh book, sorry that I'm getting off topic, this is a series. She said, when she came to it, the seventh book, the house was so crowded, and her kids were around, and the animals were barking and all that. And so she spent, like, I don't know how many dollars or how many sterlings Pelatonto rent a room in a hotel in Scotland finished her seventh book. So that was her journey from a crowded small coffee shop, to a big fancy hotel room in Scotland. So it's just amazing.
Braco Pobric 16:13
Great story. And if you look at most, if not all, most successful people, most had so many rejections from Walt Disney, who I think like 300. Banks or so rejected Him to you know, I was just talking the other day to some someone about, you know, founder of Pelaton who was rejected by 400 institutions, you know, we spend the four years actually to finally get started. So that's the failure is the way to set success. There is no other way to success.
Kareem Sheta 16:52
Thank you. Thank you. Exactly. Yeah, you can't you can't they actually she does have a quote about how, if you haven't failed in life, then automatically failed? Because failure is a part of success. So
Braco Pobric 17:07
First attempt in learning, that's what fail stands for first.
Tell me about your second phase. Where are we going now after? Or in parallel? And where is the second phase? And how did how will you already have second face can help then other people?
Kareem Sheta 17:28
Perfect, perfect. So as you mentioned, I'm coordinating with two other trainers, and or trainers, coaches, to create these training sessions at first, before I even met them. And again, that's another benefit from your course, I was planning to do it on my own, I thought it was going to be a bit overwhelming. But I thought, Okay, I'm passionate about it, it's fine. But then, in one of your happy hour sessions, I met with one of them, and I know the other from my cohort group. And so we thought, Alright, let's do it.
And now we're actually planning to launch in September, to do training sessions that were made, maybe not the first, maybe the second, around the Middle East, or at least in Egypt, about training sessions, to bilingual Arabs, about everything that we've learned in your course.
So everything from what is positive psychology and happiness, to habits to resilience to goals strength and optimism, the list goes on and on. And what we're thinking about is that these sessions will not be something had no, it will be sort of like a weekly thing, like you did maybe once a week. And all three of us will coordinate and each of us add something, you know, the funny thing is, all three of us have different backgrounds, I have an engineering background, one of them has marketing, another has a medical background, and yet, you are all joined by the world or the essence of positive psychology. So we're really planning to do this as a first step. And then as we expand, we can consider other opportunities, like, you know, selling our courses, to websites, getting accreditation and so on. So, yeah, I'm excited about that.
Braco Pobric 19:10
That's, that's really amazing. I'm so happy that you guys doing this together. And we really, you know, all of us see that collectively as a great success as a great success. And as you mentioned, people come from different background, but yet it's the same goal, help others and basically create create a business out of this great knowledge that you that you folks have. Cool, so Okay, so it goes into training. Can you walk us through just like minute or so? How are you organizing this training? Like did you put some plan together here the lectures or what is your thought process of getting this course togeter if you will.
Kareem Sheta 19:55
Okay. So, what we're thinking is is that First off, we'll start with some like webinars, things that will just motivate people to join. Because we are so
Braco Pobric 20:06
so sorry for interrupting before webinar, what is it that you're going to teach? Like? Did you do have a process? Maybe you're not there yet of, you know, getting the outline, you know, doing the lectures, who does what, you know, that kind of stuff? Do you have a process of creating the course or creating the webinar?
Kareem Sheta 20:24
Oh, okay. So like, in the because we're, so we're planning to launch at the beginning of September with the sessions. But currently, we're just planning for August, which is sort of the launch phase. So it will be like, you know, advertisements, like videos, fliers, and so on. And the webinar that I'm referring to is actually sort of like a teaser webinar. So it's sort of like, like, a very intensive session, and like 30 minutes or a bit more, where we're giving them a taste of what the world of positive psychology is like. So it's not even like a paid session. So just something for them. Yeah, so that's
Braco Pobric 21:02
the way to do it. So so so we'll do the webinar. This is basically 30 minutes or so. And then at the end, you're going to have peopl trying to sign up, or you will create a pipeline, where you're going to have send a couple of emails, right to these folks and follow ups and so on to get them to the paid session, when you have provide them a lot of free value. And then you want to have them try to sign up and pay for sessions. Correct.
Kareem Sheta 21:28
Exactly, exactly. And with regards to planning the actual sessions, we're just focusing on the marketing for an hour to get people in. But we were brainstorming just at the very beginning. And we definitely do plan to divide, like if there's a complete session or divided amongst the three of us because and each one will prepare their own parts. But we'll make sure that there is a lot of, you know, there's harmony between all of our parts, and that we're working on a certain pattern. And there are certain learning objectives that we have to achieve. I could go on and on. But it's all it's all about structure, as you mentioned before, and all of you being on the same page.
Braco Pobric 22:07
So just suggestion, which I'm sure you are doing before you go to marketing, right, you got to be like prepared, especially marketing means could be free marketing could be spending money, especially if it's spending money, you got to like have this lot of things ready already. Right? Before you do that.
Kareem Sheta 22:26
Yeah, definitely. Yeah, we're definitely considering that. And we're making sure that like, all financial and legal things are in place. So that's going in parallel with the launch.
Braco Pobric 22:37
Awesome. So so happy to hear that you'll be launching a program. I really can't can't wait to see that. I assume like you said, he's going to go to Egypt first. And then maybe later on, how are you planning to get even people to the webinar? What's the plan?
Kareem Sheta 22:55
Interesting. So so what we're planning is that each of us have our separate pages we all have established, maybe mine is the newest, so it doesn't have as many followers as the rest. But each of us have our separate pages for positive psychology and our own networks. So we're planning to do that each of them, each of us is going to share on our separate pages. And we're also planning to target you know, like social media groups that are actually about positive psychology or similar things, you know, like coaching groups, people, support groups and all that so basically pages that would benefit from our course. And and we're definitely trying to because as you know, one of the founders lives in the United States we're trying to record both ways we're trying to benefit Egyptians as well as maybe Arabs who live abroad but the main focus because most of us live in Egypt will be interesting.
Braco Pobric 23:50
I see and then when you said the target audience in different groups, are you talking about targeting as a market targeting or targeting as getting in and you know, posting and helping and or both
Kareem Sheta 24:05
Mainly posting and sharing for now and then the first option will be a sort of second option? It won't be right now.
Braco Pobric 24:13
I actually I really liked it because I think that's the right way to do it. I always tell people, yes, it seemed to be these days you have to spend money and market there's just no other well it was always marketing even if you created a flyer and posted them you know, in the post office or supermarket, but but these days is you know, Google and Facebook, but I always tell people before you spend that money, a make sure you have a good product, make sure people you know, you have that then do everything you can that's free. Right and then now you have everything connected together. You might have a website, you might have a you know a couple of websites and doing background doing the search engine optimization and blogs and podcasts and this and that you then you pay for the marketing, because now you have a much bigger chance of succeeding. If you especially if you plan to spend a lot of money, right? I mean, you know, people do Facebook ads for 20 bucks. Yeah, you can do it, but you're not going to get much.
Kareem Sheta 25:13
Exactly. I totally agree. I feel organic actually organic reaches, it actually proves that your page has traction more than paid marketing. I totally believe that. So like, I have almost like, almost, but when I say almost, I mean, you know, I still have like, 75 people left, but I'm approaching 500 followers in two months. That's because and that's all organic. So that makes me happier than paying an amount and getting 1000. But I know that more than half of them aren't actually interested.
Braco Pobric 25:45
Yes, and you really only want people who are truly interested. It's almost like it's better to have 50 people than 5000. And like, you know, 4999 are not really interested in you know, they just liked it. Remember the old days people did all these fake gigs, they will hire you know, one of these guys, and, you know, they will get you 5000 likes, you know, overnight, it's I didn't mean anything, these people, your fake Facebook accounts, and it's still happening much less than used to. But it's happening and people are not aware, you know, something that's, that's fake, and it's, it's the wrong thing to do. And it can only hurt your business and not help it.
Kareem Sheta 26:26
I totally agree. I totally agree. And I remember like, this is a funny story that I there is the startup and then started with like, I don't 60 followers or something. And then I remember a few weeks later, I just checked their their page, I think I want to order something I can't remember. And then it reached like, over 100,000 So I'm like, okay, so yeah, yeah, that's it.
Braco Pobric 26:47
That's it now, you know, so Okay, cool. This, this was a really good discussion. So it sounds like you know, for the new people who say I got my certification coach, now what? Right, it sounds like, you know, based on what you just told us, needs to be structured approach, they could start like you did with the social media, do some educational posts, and interviews and videos and create a target audience and then kind of phase it.
So here's my phase one, his face to his face three, but but always look at your, you know, not just your goals, but also, you know, your dreams and your vision, you know, where you're gonna be a year from now, three years, five years, right? And just always follow that. So it sounds like that's exactly what you're doing and that the PPMC members that you are building business, really, really, really truly, truly proud of it.
Kareem Sheta 27:46
Thank you so much. Braco. Thank you. And if you don't mind, I'd like to shout out to those two people Rania Sultan and Dr. Amira Walley, and yeah, so everyone, just like with the launch of our page. It's actually it's the name is actually pretty interesting. It's called the ark. So ARK it combines the, you know, the initials of our first name, so Amira Rania and, and then Dr. Amira had this very interesting note, she said, you know, Arcs are famously known because they save people. So our company will actually save people out of depression. And then we were just like, You know what, yes. Okay, so now is there any? Yeah,
Braco Pobric 28:26
I love it. I love it. Actually, Amira told me one of our mastermind groups, and she explained it I didn't want to mention it, you know, names because I don't know how much you guys keeping secret. But yes, good luck. Good luck to all of you folks. Again, proud of proud, proud, proud cannot be more proud of my great former students and now colleagues. And again, thank you so much. I think you gave a ton of great advices for our new you know, I'm certified now what? And really, really appreciate your time and I do want to tell you, I need to see you I know you're a member of LSA and I haven't seen it our weekly free course coaching call. So come on Mondays and we'll do more work together. That's all my friend.
Kareem Sheta 29:10
Thank you both. Thank you so much.
Braco Pobric 29:12
Thank you, body. Cheers.
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