If This Can Happen to Me it Can Happen to Anyone

habits Aug 23, 2023
Life Success Academy, Braco Pobric


  • Habits Matter: Our daily habits shape our lives in significant ways, but even the most dedicated habits can take an unexpected vacation.

  • Coaching Yourself: When routines go awry, taking on the role of both coach and student can be a powerful way to get back on track.

  • Magic of Persistence: With patience and determination, you can reignite your habits and steer them towards your desired goals.


Let's dive into a little background before I spill the beans on what happened.

Since the ancient year 2012, I've been on a wild adventure, studying, researching, and dancing with habits in my life. But don't worry, no mad scientist lab or strange concoctions involved (although that could be fun!).

During this time, I've had the honor of helping over 85,000 online students navigate their own habit highway. And as fate would have it, my book "Habits and Happiness" became an Amazon Bestseller back in 2014. Pretty cool, right?

Now, I'm not bragging here. But hey, I wanted you to know that I've put my heart and soul into these habits and practices. For over a decade, I've been the habit guru, faithfully waking up at 5 AM, exercising, meditating, and even serenading my soul with guitar strums after my meditation sessions.

But then, like a comet out of nowhere, something unexpected happened. My brother-in-law and his better half flew into town from Sarajevo, and you know what that means – family time takeover!

So, like a determined hero, I embraced the joy and excitement, knowing my daily routines would take a chill pill for a while. Hey, priorities, right?

We made unforgettable memories together. But little did I know, my habits decided to go on a vacation of their own. "See ya later, alligator!" they said, leaving me wondering, "Where did you go, my little habits?"

Fast forward a month, and my lovely wife, bless her heart, gently nudged me, saying, "Hey, darling, something's different. You're not your usual sunshine-y self. What's cooking?"

It struck me like a lightning bolt – I was caught in the habit Bermuda Triangle! My routines had vanished into thin air!

Now, here's where it gets interesting. You see, my habits were still there in the vast realm of my brain, but they were playing hide-and-seek with me. Sneaky little neurons!

So, if you've ever experienced this too, believe me, you're not alone! Habits, just like everyone else, sometimes need a little vacation. But worry not, dear friend, I found a way to bring them back to the dance floor.

Here's my secret formula – I coached myself, doctoring my own habits! That's right, I took on the role of therapist and patient all rolled into one. My current coach, fantastic as he is, focuses on the business side of things, so I decided to play both parts myself.

First, I made a bedtime decision to exercise for 5 minutes each morning. But, hold your horses, the first day didn't quite go as planned! You know, sometimes life throws a curveball, and you've got to duck and weave!

So, I dusted myself off and fine-tuned my approach. Before drifting off to dreamland, I re-declared my 5-minute exercise commitment. And voilà, magic happened!

Rise and shine, sunbeams! I woke up with the resolve to exercise, making a grand entrance into my morning routine with that power pose!

As days melted into weeks, I gradually invited back my meditation and guitar serenades, adding more time every day until my beloved routines were back in the driver's seat.

So, dear friend, if you ever find yourself on a detour from your habits superhighway, remember that with a little sprinkle of magic and a sprinkle of determination, you can find your way back to the road of happy habits. It's a journey worth taking!

Action Items:

  1. Acknowledge the Detour: It's okay if your habits take a vacation. Embrace the change and understand that it's temporary.

  2. Coach Yourself: Step into the role of both the coach and the student. Guide yourself back to your routines with patience and persistence.

  3. Start Small: Begin with small steps to reintegrate your habits. Gradually build up the time and intensity to avoid overwhelming yourself.

  4. Embrace Flexibility: Life throws curveballs. Be adaptable and adjust your routines as needed while keeping your ultimate goals in mind.

  5. Sprinkle Some Magic: Inject positivity and determination into your habits. Visualize success and use the power of your mind to propel yourself forward.

Wishing you a fabulous habit adventure, full of giggles and triumphs. You've got this!

To Your Happy Habits and Beyond!

Braco Pobric is an Internationally Recognized Positive Psychology Expert, Executive Coach, and Corporate Trainer. He is the bestselling author of Habits and Happiness: How to Become Happier and Improve Your Wellbeing by Changing Your Habits. Braco is a founding member and Chief Happiness Officer of the Life Success Academy, Certified Positive Psychology Master Coach and Trainer, and former globally Certified Trainer and Business Coach for Dale Carnegie Training. His unique approach to integrated learning in Positive Psychology Coaching (PPMC) program let him train over 60,000 Students in 172 countries.

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