What is Positive Psychology Coaching?

certification positive psychology positive psychology coaching Feb 08, 2022
Life Success Academy

What is Positive Psychology Coaching?

You’ve learned about Positive Psychology aka, the Science of Happiness. Now you hear the term Positive Psychology Coach and Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC).  If you are a coach already, why learn positive psychology coaching? If you are looking for a coach, why would you hire a Positive Psychology Coach? If you want to become a coach, is the certification worth the effort? 

Regardless of type - one-on-one, group coaching, executive, organizational coaching, etc., PPC is a coaching practice that uses scientifically proven positive psychology coaching tools to help clients achieve the “End Result.” Simple as that. Great coaches will learn Positive Psychology Coaching tools to help them produce better client results. And Positive Psychology Coaching is an excellent start for new coaches. 

From the client point of view

For different reasons, clients may look for a coach specializing in Positive Psychology. They may also look for a Certified Positive Psychology Coach or Certified Positive Psychology Master Coach. However, in reality, all the clients want is to find someone who can help them solve their problems. They look for a coach who can help them get from Point A to Point B.  If a coach is equipped with scientifically proven tools, it may be a better choice for the client.  These tools are an addition to general coaching knowledge, skills, and experience.  To make it clear, the tools by themself will not solve any problem. It is a coach that matters. 

From the coach point of view 

Suppose you want to become a Positive Psychology Coach, start by learning Positive Psychology. Learn the basics, get the interventions or “happiness tools,” and try them in your life.  Take time with it and check the results. If it positively affected your life, and you love helping others or are a coach already, now is the time to learn how to use some of these tools with the client.  This is when you turn into Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC).

What is covered in the PPC Programs?

In general, you should expect to learn all the aspects of Positive Psychology, including but not limited to happiness, relationships, gratitude, goals, resilience, strengths, optimism, mindfulness, meaning purpose, and more. Some programs will go very deep into research, while others, in addition to research, will focus even more on the practical and applied aspect of positive psychology.  Once you cover, learn, and practice the basics, programs will move to the coaching.  

With the understanding that all the schools will teach most what you need to know about the Science of Positive Psychology and Coaching, provide the tools, time, and place to practice, give you an option to do this at your own pace or attend live sessions, provide Accredited Certification, regular and continued access to trainers and facilitators, you may want to ask the following questions:

  • How long is the program?
  • Are the live sessions in person or online?
  • Do you teach us to become Master Coaches to train other people?
  • Do I have the right to use the material received, in my own programs?
  • Do you prepare me to teach others? How?
  • How do I practice, and where? Is there a closed community dedicated to your students?
  • Do you have special groups dedicated to Certified positive Psychology Coaches (Like Closed Facebook, WhatsApp, Web site Community, etc? 
  • How long do I have access to the Online material?
  • What if I already have Positive Psychology knowledge or Certification? 
  • Do I need to pay a fee to use the material from the program in my courses?


Six Positive Psychology Coaching Program and Schools

We researched all the available programs and listed the top 6 programs and schools here. Do your research and pick the place you feel the most comfortable. They are all excellent programs, and you will learn a great deal regardless of which one you choose. I suggest researching and possibly talking to the trainers directly to ensure personal connection and trust before investing.

  1. Life Success Academy
  2. Happiness Study Academy
  3. Wholebeing Institute
  4. The Flourishing Centre
  5. School of Coaching Mastery
  6. Psychology Network

Braco Pobric is an Internationally Recognized Positive Psychology Expert, Executive Coach, and Corporate Trainer. He is the bestselling author of Habits and Happiness: How to Become Happier and Improve Your Wellbeing by Changing Your Habits. Braco is a founding member and Chief Happiness Officer of the Life Success Academy, Certified Positive Psychology Master Coach and Trainer, and former globally Certified Trainer and Business Coach for Dale Carnegie Training. His unique approach to integrated learning in Positive Psychology Coaching (PPMC) program let him train over 60,000 Students in 172 countries. 

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